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12 Jul 2009small, windy, black and white, outside, Tongue
2 Jul 2009 Collection6 Items
27 Jul 2009 Collection6 Items
29 Jul 2009 Collection4 Items
30 Jul 2009standing, looking, outside, black and tan, grass, profile, portrait
31 Jul 2009 Collection5 Items
6 Jul 2009 Collection3 Items
8 Jul 2009Entente Cordiale
9 Jul 2009Dachshund-Long Haired
Brutus of BridgesollersSigned Pastel 41 x 28.5 This particularly fine portrait of the Deerhound, Brutus of Bridgesollers, was a gift to Agnes Linton from her father, who reputedly commissioned Aldin to paint the picture
Ch Wimpole PeterSigned and dated 1901 Oil on canvas 24 x 29 ins Ch Wimpole Peter is one of six paintings Henry Reginald Cooke commissioned of his Flat Coated Retrievers from Maud Earl
Afghan Hound head shot
Buy A Dog Ma amSigned and dated 1860 Oil on canvas 36 x 29 At the time this picture was painted, selling animals in the street had become very profitable and was frequently a public nuisance
The Open DoorSigned with monogram and dated 1916 Oil on canvas 40 x 47 ins Sir R W Buchanan Jardines Greyhound, Long Span, won the Waterloo Cup in 1907
Entente CordialeBoard 18 x 15.5 ins, signed The understanding between Britain and France reached in 1904 formed the basis of the Anglo-French cooperation in the First World War
England ExpectsSigned Oil on canvas 18 x 24 ins There was much political infighting between supporters of Toy Bulldogs, Miniature Bulldogs and French Bulldogs: the Kennel Club would not have them
The Card GameSigned and dated 1885 Oil on canvas 27.5 x 36 ins This painting typifies anthropomorphism depicted in art during the 19th century, when dogs were portrayed in the guise of humans
FT Ch Sulhamstead Valla D OrPastel 27.5 x 38.5 ins, signed Mrs Florence Nagle, owned the two Irish Setters Valla D Or and Sheilin D Or
Tibetan Terrier
Ladies of the ChorusThis photogravure has been taken from Maud Earls portfolio British Hounds and Gun-Dogs, which was published in a limited edition of 500 copies in 1902 by the Berlin Photographic Company
Bedlington TerrierCanvas 13 x 15.5 ins, signed The Bedlington Terrier is rarely represented in art and this is a particularly fine portrait of a breed whose roots are with the poachers and tinkers of Northumberland
The Celia Haddon CollectionVictorian illustration of Newfoundlands
Sir Humphrey de Traffords English SettersSigned and dated 1897 Oil on canvas 44 x 74 ins Sir Hunmphrey de Trafford helped establish Britain as a great nation of dog breeders
Retriever- GoldenCh Camrose Cabus Christopher
Mrs Skewes Coxs SchipperkesSigned and dated 1900 Watercolour and gouache 20.5 x 28.5 ins The dog is Ch Yaap, born in 1898 and a fine example of the type of Schipperke that was developing in England at that time
Cavalier King Charles SpanielA Merry Christmas Edwardian Christmas card with CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL
Janville Tempestuous at Linchael - photo by Diane Pearce
small, windy, black and white, outside, Tongue, Farlap, 10217 Farlap 088 The Kennel Club©
Bernese Mountain DogA Bernese Mountain Dog with a puppy sat outside in long grass
Beacon Hill MeetingSigned and dated 1853 Oil on canvas 28 x 36 ins This painting shows the end of a successful course at the Beacon Hill meeting in October 1848
Ancient BritonsPhotogravure 11.5 x 14 ins Taken from the portofolio entitled British Hounds and Gundogs, this image shows the Welsh Foxhounds Trailer, Warrior and Grafter
Acklam Afghan HoundsSigned Oil on canvas This painting shows the Acklam Afghan Hounds bred by Mrs Howard Gibson. Ch Mitzou of Acklam is the top centre hound, shown with her litter, whelped in May 1946
Celia Haddon Collection
Celia Haddon CollectionGalerie Patriotique. A.Noyer, Paris
The Celia Haddon Collectionpossible staffordshire bull terrier sitting with boy
The Celia Haddon Collection
The Celia Haddon Collectionpossible Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy and Dachshund puppy
The Celia Haddon Collectionwishing you a happy christmas
The Celia Haddon CollectionI wish you a happy new year
The Celia Haddon CollectionTerrier dog looking at robin
The Celia Haddon Collectionpossible terriers or cross breeds
SchipperkeChampion Hallbower Hans
Retriever- Goldencamrose psyche of vementry
Dachshund (Long Haired)Swansford Brigg Of Truanbro
Dachshund-LonghairedSwansford Arrandor
Borzoi puppy
German Shorthaired PointerPardallion Baron
standing, looking, outside, black and tan, grass, profile, portrait, Farlap, 10228 Farlap 066 The Kennel Club©
celia Haddon Collection
The Celia Haddon Collectiontwo dogs reading the paper and smoking a pipe
SchipperkeChampion Hallbower Roses Forever
Schnauzer- MiniChampion Travelmors US Mail
Schnauzer- MiniChampion Luke Lovely At Deansgate
Retriever- GoldenTrident of Yeo Colbar
Retriever (Golden)Styal Sibella
Retriever- GoldenStolford Happy Lad
Retriever (Golden)Sh Ch Gyrima Pipparetta
Retriever- GoldenRachenco Charnez
Retriever- GoldenPeatling Stella of teecon
Retriever- GoldenCrouchers Leo
Retriever- GoldenJanville Tempestuous at Linchael
Retriever- GoldenGyrima Ariadne
Retriever- GoldenCh Westley Jacquetta
Retriever- GoldenSh Ch Cossack of Rachenco
Retriever- GoldenSamsue Camrose Phoenix
Retriever- GoldenCattrysse Chevalier
Retriever- GoldenCh Brenshaw Audacity
Retriever (Golden)Camrose Evenpatrol
Retriever- GoldenCamrose Gay Delight of Sladeham
BulldogCh Tyegarth Jacob of Kelloe
BulldogCh Beechlyn Golden Nugget of Denbrough
Dachshund-Long Haired
Dachshund-Miniature Wire-Haired