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188 Items
Best of Breed SIBERIAN HUSKY Crufts 20236359 - Vukasin A Song of Ice and Fire at Lyfearon (Mrs Jm Kent)
Blake Crocker from Somerset with Gloria, an Irish Setter, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Colin Nugent from Armagh with Didi, a Weimaraner, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Michelle Elkin from Rickmansworth with Quentin, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed NEAPOLITAN MASTIFF (NONCC) Crufts 20235823 - Makaevo Solista (Mr M Evans)
Wilken Thomas from Germany with Werner, a Turkish Kangal Dog, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Ashley Sutton from New Aycliffe with Arya, a Siberian Husky, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Mike Evans from Boston with Unica, a Neapolitan Mastiff, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed Briard Crufts 20237439 - Chavell Bonjour Maisie JW (Mrs P Hartwell) Best of Breed Briard Crufts 2023
Best of Breed NORWEGIAN BUHUND Crufts 20238097 - Kligenthal Almuric (Ms M & Mr A Corin & Camm) Best of Breed NORWEGIAN BUHUND Crufts 2023
Best of Breed HUNGARIAN PULI Crufts 20237961 - Ch Magikus Belatrix Black (Mr A Henshaw) Best of Breed HUNGARIAN PULI Crufts 2023
Andrew Henshaw from Northampton with Trixie, a Hungarian Puli, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed ESTRELA MOUNTAIN DOG (NONCC) Crufts 20237735 - Ir Ch J'ursa Da Acinomagricultura (Ms J Haslett) Best of Breed ESTRELA MOUNTAIN DOG (NONCC) Crufts 2023
Jenny Haslett from County Clare with Ursa, an Estrela Mountain Dog, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Michael Murphy and Heli Mooney from Kildare with Beamish, a Hovawart, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Suzanne Randall from Swanington with Eve, a Collie (Rough), which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Jane Atkins from Carlisle with Saf, a Maremma Sheepdog, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed HUNGARIAN PUMI Crufts 20238009 - Ceridwen Pumida Schnaubern (Imp Cze) (Ms M Smee) Best of Breed Hungarian Pumi Crufts 2023
Michelle Smee from Bristol with Sunny, a Hungarian Pumi, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed KOMONDOR (NONCC) Crufts 20238015 - Hch Somogyi Betyar Bandita (Mrs M. Talpai)
Best of Breed WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD Crufts 20238905 - Multi Ch Geronimo Ice Lilien Now-22 Hew-22 (Mr T Jalonen)
Marie Corin and Adam Camm from London with Borgen, a Norwegian Buhund, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed Rottweiler Crufts 20236096 - Ch Fantasa Blu Diablo (Miss M Dunhill-Hall)
Best of Breed GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG Crufts 20237874 - Nestview Dreamer (Mrs Kew)
Best of Breed Border Collie Crufts 20237373 - Etched in Sand by The Lake - Hunjch, junww 2021, junew 2021 (Miss Solyom)
Best of Breed Australian Shepherd Crufts 20236549 - Aussie Revolution Dancing Queen (Mrs Seazzu)
Best of Breed St Bernard Crufts 20236224 - Ch Chandlimore Heart Beat (Mr B & Miss A Deegan & Grainger) Best of Breed St Bernard Crufts 2023
Best of Breed Giant Schnauzer Crufts 20235393 - Ch Philoma One Night Only (Mr K & Mrss Cullen)
Philip Langdon with their Poodle, called Jake, in the 150th Anniversary Class today (Thursday 09.03.2023) at Crufts 2023
Sarah Loakes from Edmondbyers with Vegas a Gordon Setter which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09)Sarah Loakes from Edmondbyers with Vegas a Gordon Setter which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Sarah Loakes and Jean Collins-Pitman from Edmondbyers with Vegas a Gordon Setter which was the Best of Breed winnerSarah Loakes from Edmondbyers with Vegas a Gordon Setter which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
John Hackett from Sunderland with Finn, an Irish Water Spaniel, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Adela Zafar from Woking with HunterAdela Zafar Woking with Hunter, a Hungarian Vizsla, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Annemiek Vanroon and Sophie Roels from Holland with JackSophie Roels from Holland with Jack, a German Longhaired Pointer, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Ed Casey from South Warwickshire with Ada, a Labrador, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Rebecca Govik and Theres Johansson from Sweden with BarraTheres Johansson from Sweden with Barra, a Cocker Spaniel, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Viktoria Kyselova from Slovakia with Taco, a Spanish Water Dog, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Jo Lumasia from Lanark with Nacho, a Wirehaired Vizsla, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Christina Drottsgard and Gudrun Brownstrom from Sweden with ArchieGudrun Brownstrom from Sweden with Archie, a Welsh Springer Spaniel, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Thursday 09.03.23), the first day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Emily English from Derby with Betty, an Entlebucher Mountain Dog, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Mandy Everley from West Sussex with Archie, a Doberman, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Sandra Drinkwater from Preston with Norton, a Swedish Lapphund , which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Cathy Latter from Chester with Gwen, a Bullmastiff, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Sorignet Stephanie and Tansi Ylane from France with Mook, a Great Swiss Mountain Dog, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Kay Strong from Bolton with Gloria, a Dogue de Bordeaux, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed TURKISH KANGAL DOG Crufts 20238688 - Werner (Mr Th. Wilken)
Best of Breed SWEDISH VALLHUND Crufts 20238666 - Danga's Norton Junkerson in Galerita (Imp Swe) (Mr & Mrs A &s Drinkwater)
Best of Breed SHETLAND SHEEPDOG Crufts 20238558 - Int Ch Lundecock´s Coconut (Mr Fh Olsen)
Best of Breed OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Crufts 20238158 - Grk Gr Ch Airzeppeline Delia (Mr N. Kanales)
Best of Breed LANCASHIRE HEELER Crufts 20238050 - Brockbrae September Shadow over Welshmoor (Mr M & Mrs M Jones)
Best of Breed FINNISH LAPPHUND Crufts 20237777 - Ch/fin Ch Ahulin Supina Hew21 Fiw21 (Mrs J & Mr M Ilvonen)
Best of Breed COLLIE (SMOOTH) Crufts 20237689 - Ch Brackenhaye Heart and Soul (Mrs J.m. & Mr R.j. Denton)
Best of Breed ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD DOG (NONCC) Crufts 20236491 - Sunlions Rekortmen (Miss K Stewart)
Best of Breed Australian Cattle Dog Crufts 20236504 - Multi Ch Acd Rutkowscy Hillary Eds21 (Mrss Bezzi)
Best of Breed TIBETAN MASTIFF (NONCC) Crufts 20236446 - Fr Ch Rongshai Du Domaine De Toundra (Mrss Haeffele)
Best of Breed RUSSIAN BLACK TERRIER (NONCC) Crufts 20236217 - Cze/pol/hun/rom Ch Sotsvetie Tverdynya Bogatyr Jpolch Jbych (Mrs Misse Turkiewicz)
Best of Breed GERMAN PINSCHER (NONCC) Crufts 20235375 - Bih/lux/rou/grc Ch Muethisch Aforty Alice Klubsieger Psk, Jahressieger 2022 (Mrs Muething)
Best of Breed MASTIFF Crufts 20235781 - Ch Cyberus Diesel (Mrs D & Mrs T B Andrews)
Best of Breed PORTUGUESE WATER DOG Crufts 20236014 - Ch Yelsek The One and Only (Mrs & Mrs D Dring)
Best of Breed Newfoundland Crufts 20235853 - Sandbears Masterpiece (Mss Blake)
Best of Breed GREAT SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG Crufts 20235589 - Mook Eki Balarda (Mrs Ss Sorignet)
Best of Breed LEONBERGER Crufts 20235770 - Multi Ch Family Gold Leon Ezhinka (Mrs N.a. Tretyakova)
Best of Breed GREENLAND DOG (NONCC) Crufts 20235594 - Esp Ch Fenrirkin Can't Be Late Sui Jch (Miss A J Blaney)
Best of Breed Dobermann Crufts 20235171 - Ch Manzart Wise Guy (Mrs A J & Mr N D Everley & Hughes)
Best of Breed Great Dane Crufts 20235458 - Ch Selmalda Jealous Guy (ai) (Ms L & Mr A Chappell)
Best of Breed Boxer Crufts 20234955 - Boxania Romanoff to Jeddhi (D &s Mccarthy & Gething)
Best of Breed BULLMASTIFF Crufts 20235068 - Ch Stoneglad Shes On Fire (Mr P & Mrs C Latter)
Best of Breed CANADIAN ESKIMO DOG (NONCC) Crufts 20235140 - Asiaq Queen Fabiola (Miss Y Needham)
Best of Breed BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG Crufts 20234745 - Ch Tjofselinas Chirac (Imp Swe) (Mrs & Mrs J Hartley Mair & Baldwin)
Best of Breed BOUVIER DES FLANDRES Crufts 20234857 - H/dk/cro/bih/slo Ch Komandos-Elita Filos (Mr A. Kovacs)
Best of Breed Av Import ENTLEBUCHER MOUNTAIN Dog Crufts 20236476 - Top Notch Z Zamkowego Grodu at Waldershelf (Imp Pol) Ew'22 Lw'22 (Mrs J & Mrs J & Mrs E V Green & Green & English) AV Imported Register Working
Best of Breed WELSH CORGI (CARDIGAN) Crufts 20238738 - Am Gchp Xiv Karat Come Hel or High Water Cgca Tkn (Dr P & Mss Mccoy & Hurst)
Best of Breed PYRENEAN SHEEPDOG (LONG HAIRED) Crufts 20238328 - Sandytrail Scheherazade Meslabrit (Mrs R E & Miss K L Robson)
Best of Breed POLISH LOWLAND SHEEPDOG Crufts 20238235 - Am Gch Ch/swi Ch Viva Polonia Szyszka (Mrs M Maciagiewicz)
Best of Breed COLLIE (ROUGH) Crufts 20237635 - Ch Ladnar Inkheart JW (Mr D A & Mrss P Randall)
Best of Breed CATALAN SHEEPDOG Crufts 20237490 - Ir Ch Du Domaine Des Dhalbergs at Starwell (Imp Fra) (Mr T J & Mrs A M Fieldsend)
Best of Breed BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG (TERVUEREN) Crufts 20237114 - Corsini Burnt Sugar (Mrs A & Mr J L Mclaren & Vandenbemden)
Best of Breed BEARDED COLLIE Crufts 20236918 - Multi Ch Farmarens Ultra Chic Nord Jv-15 (Miss Ms Sandberg)
Best of Breed HOVAWART (NONCC) Crufts 20235629 - Ir Ch Micona Foxtrot (Mr M Murphy)
Best of Breed PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG Crufts 20238271 - Shanlimore Lorenzo (Mrs C A Edwards)
Best of Breed ALASKAN MALAMUTE Crufts 20234649 - Snowshoes Who Dares Wins (Mrs J E & Miss J Smith)
Working group 4th Place Crufts 2023Working GROUP 4 8365 - Ch Nikara Sweet Dreams for Kimeekasams, Breed: Samoyed (Mr P J & Mrs B Johnson)
Barbara Johnson from Litchfield with Ella, a Samoyed, which was the Best of Breed winner today (Friday 10.03.23), the second day of Crufts 2023, at the NEC Birmingham
Best of Breed MAREMMA SHEEPDOG Crufts 20238084 - Zaffiro Bianco at Silvermere (J Atkins) Best of Breed MAREMMA SHEEPDOG Crufts 2023