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White Collection

Background imageWhite Collection: Crib and Rosa

Crib and Rosa
Copper 9.25 x 12.25 ins Through John Scotts engraving of Coopers original, this painting is one of the most reproduced and best known paintings of dogs from the period

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, fluffy, profile, white

standing, fluffy, profile, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: A group of black and white Border Collie puppies playing outside

A group of black and white Border Collie puppies playing outside

Background imageWhite Collection: art, Artwork, four, oil, painting, brown, white, black

art, Artwork, four, oil, painting, brown, white, black, The Kennel Club Art, 4914 Fannie Moody (b 1861-c 1947) 053 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: Sealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terrier
A portrait of a Sealyham Terrier standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Background imageWhite Collection: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
A portrait of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Background imageWhite Collection: Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdog
An Old English sheepdog pictured in profile outside

Background imageWhite Collection: small, sitting, flowers, outside, grass, brown, white, Tibet, spaniel

small, sitting, flowers, outside, grass, brown, white, Tibet, spaniel
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: Kooikerhondje (Noncc)

Kooikerhondje (Noncc)

Background imageWhite Collection: Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute
A portrait of an Alaskan Malamute

Background imageWhite Collection: Mischief, Two-Step

Mischief, Two-Step
Vintage dog sheet music entitled, Mischief, Two-Step by Harold Garstin

Background imageWhite Collection: Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Pyrenean Mountain Dog
A large white Pyrenean Mountain Dog stood in a grassy field

Background imageWhite Collection: Pekingese

A portrait of a Pekingese standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Papillon

A portrait of a Papillion standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Samoyed

A portrait of a Samoyed standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Papillion

A Papillion pictured in profile outside

Background imageWhite Collection: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
A portrait of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier outside

Background imageWhite Collection: big, brown, friends, friendship, small, white

big, brown, friends, friendship, small, white
Image by represented photographer David Dalton. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: small, fluffy, white

small, fluffy, white, David Dalton, 10415 David Dalton 114 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, small, fluffy, white, grass, outside

standing, small, fluffy, white, grass, outside, David Dalton, 10406 David Dalton 107 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: Basset Hound puppy

Basset Hound puppy
A Basset Hound stood outside

Background imageWhite Collection: mountain, white, lake, outside, grass, pyrenean, white

mountain, white, lake, outside, grass, pyrenean, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: couple, fluffy, pair, two, leaves, outside, grass, brown, long hair, shaggy, white

couple, fluffy, pair, two, leaves, outside, grass, brown, long hair, shaggy, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, outside, grass, black, brown, Terrier, white

standing, outside, grass, black, brown, Terrier, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, outside, grass, white, brown

standing, outside, grass, white, brown
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: Portrait of a Borzoi

Portrait of a Borzoi
Canvas 76 x 63 ins, signed and dated 1890 This painting is a fine example of the breed before it was established as a show dog in this country

Background imageWhite Collection: French Bulldog Puppy

French Bulldog Puppy

Background imageWhite Collection: Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise

Background imageWhite Collection: Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier

Background imageWhite Collection: welsh Corgi- Pembroke

welsh Corgi- Pembroke
A Welsh Pembroke Corgi sitting inside

Background imageWhite Collection: Jack Russell

Jack Russell
A portrait of a Jack Russell outside

Background imageWhite Collection: Hungarian Kuvasz

Hungarian Kuvasz
A portrait of a Hungarian Kuvasz standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Havanese

A portrait of a Havanese standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise
A portrait of a Bichon Frise standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Bull Terrier-Miniature

Bull Terrier-Miniature
A portrait of a Miniature Bull Terrier standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto Romagnolo
A portrait of a Lagotto Romagnolo standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
A portrait of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Parson Russell Terrier

Parson Russell Terrier
A portrait of a Parson Russell Terrier standing outside shown in profile

Background imageWhite Collection: Dalmatian

A portrait of a dalmatian outside

Background imageWhite Collection: boxer s

boxer s
boxer with tail uk springtime

Background imageWhite Collection: puppy, small, cute, white, fence, outside, grass

puppy, small, cute, white, fence, outside, grass, Farlap, 11946 Farlap 067 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: couple, fluffy, pair, two, profile, white

couple, fluffy, pair, two, profile, white, Farlap, 11943 Farlap 076 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: sitting, white, outside, fluffy, white, small, grass, portrait

sitting, white, outside, fluffy, white, small, grass, portrait, Farlap, 10843 Farlap 084 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: christmas, countryside, Deer, farm, grey, landscape, outside, profile, snow, white

christmas, countryside, Deer, farm, grey, landscape, outside, profile, snow, white, white, winter, Farlap, 10181 Farlap 005 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: profile, white, open mouth, side on, outside, grass

profile, white, open mouth, side on, outside, grass, Farlap, 7421 Farlap 059 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: english setter, english, black and white, grey, white, black, speckled

english setter, english, black and white, grey, white, black, speckled, Farlap, 5303 Farlap 013 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: gundog, sitting, studio, inside, black, white, head, portrait

gundog, sitting, studio, inside, black, white, head, portrait, Farlap, 4898 Farlap 020 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: small, profile, black and white, outside, white, grass

small, profile, black and white, outside, white, grass, David Dalton, 10411 David Dalton 111 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: profile, small, white, grass, outside

profile, small, white, grass, outside, David Dalton, 10414 David Dalton 063 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: Chihuahua-Long Coat

Chihuahua-Long Coat
A portrait of a long coated Chihuahua outside

Background imageWhite Collection: small, water, fluffy, white, Yellow, outside, beach

small, water, fluffy, white, Yellow, outside, beach, David Dalton, 10405 David Dalton 106 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: terrier, small, white, outside, brown

terrier, small, white, outside, brown, David Dalton, 5850 David Dalton 046 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: Cesky Terrier

Cesky Terrier
A small Cesky Terrier pictured outside

Background imageWhite Collection: Portuguese Podengo

Portuguese Podengo
per CK, checkmark

Background imageWhite Collection: outside, standing, pastoral, white, hiding, trees, forrest

outside, standing, pastoral, white, hiding, trees, forrest, David Dalton, 5007 David Dalton 095 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: gundog, standing, small, alert, looking, white, brown, forrest, outside, sutumn

gundog, standing, small, alert, looking, white, brown, forrest, outside, sutumn, David Dalton, 4917 David Dalton 034 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, white, grass, outside

standing, white, grass, outside
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, grass, black and white, outside, brown, black, white

standing, grass, black and white, outside, brown, black, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: white, autumn, leaves, forrest, outside, grass, white

white, autumn, leaves, forrest, outside, grass, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: leaves, outside, grass, white, brown, fluffy

leaves, outside, grass, white, brown, fluffy
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: outside, grass, brown, white

outside, grass, brown, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, profile, outside, grass, brown, white

standing, profile, outside, grass, brown, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: Whippet

dog is from the Netherlands

Background imageWhite Collection: white, outside, wrinkles

white, outside, wrinkles, Alice Van Kempen, 9231 Alice Van Kempen 087 The Kennel Club©

Background imageWhite Collection: profile, head, outside, grass, brown, white, water, curley

profile, head, outside, grass, brown, white, water, curley
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: family, group, three, outside, brown, black, white, hound

family, group, three, outside, brown, black, white, hound
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: sitting, two, grey, speckled, black, white, two dogs

sitting, two, grey, speckled, black, white, two dogs
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: fluffy, white, dandie, dinmont

fluffy, white, dandie, dinmont
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: white, komondor, grass, outside, grey

white, komondor, grass, outside, grey
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: sitting, flowers, fluffy, white, spring, outside, white

sitting, flowers, fluffy, white, spring, outside, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: puppy, small, cute, bernese, autumn, outside, white, black, Tan

puppy, small, cute, bernese, autumn, outside, white, black, Tan
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: standing, profile, basenji, black and white, outside, pointy ears, brown, white

standing, profile, basenji, black and white, outside, pointy ears, brown, white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: head, dog, open mouth, alaska, white, black, outside

head, dog, open mouth, alaska, white, black, outside
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club

Background imageWhite Collection: Cheroot

Canvas 12.5 x 16.5 ins, signed Cheroot was born in 1886 and was owned by G W Cook

Background imageWhite Collection: Maltese


Background imageWhite Collection: West Highland White Terriers

West Highland White Terriers

Background imageWhite Collection: Fox Terrier Puppy

Fox Terrier Puppy

Background imageWhite Collection: West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier

Background imageWhite Collection: Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdog

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