Poodle PolkaVintage dog sheet music entitled, Poodle Polka by Clarence C. Corri
The Newfoundland DogVintage dog sheet music entitled, The Newfoundland Dog. This celebrated descriptive ballet was composed and sung by Henry Russell
The Dog of the FlockBorder Collie illustration depicting watching the flock
Crufts illustration at Olympia, LondonCrufts at Olympia, London circa 1930s artwork commissioned for Kennel Gazette and Crufts
My Body of Curs book 1839-1840rare, georgian, illustration, 1839, cur, My Body of Curs the cur what can't dance (2)
My Book of Curs, the fancy Currare, georgian, illustration, 1839, cur, My Book of Curs curs of the fancy[1] (2)
Chappie dog food advert1946 Kennel Gazette advert featuring Chappie dog food Wanted a home where they ll feed me on Chappie
1895 Crufts Fox Terrier entryActon Fox Terrier Crack " Stipendiary" property of Mr S.J. Stephens 1895 Crufts
Charles Crufts on Canine WorldAn illustration depicting Mr Charles Cruft on the cover of Canine World (sports and sportsmen) promoting Crufts Dog Show, February 13, 1891
Mischief, Two-StepVintage dog sheet music entitled, Mischief, Two-Step by Harold Garstin
Hows Bonzo?Vintage dog sheet music entitled, Hows Bonzo by Wyn Ewart and Mark Strong
Daddy Wouldn t Buy Me A Bow-WowVintage dog sheet music entitled, Daddy Wouldn t Buy Me A Bow-Wow. This piece was written adn composed by Joseph Tabrar and sung by Miss Vesta Victoria
Lucky DogVintage dog sheet music entitled, Lucky Dog by Montague Seymour. The Edwardian illustration features a scruffy Jack Russell being petted on a bench by a smiling and apparently wealthy woman
The Dog and the ShadowVintage dog sheet music entitled, The Dog and the Shadow with music by Berthold Tours
Black and Tan PolkaVintage dog sheet music entitled, Black and Tan, dedicated to Miss Mabel Slater. Featuring Polka by Caroline Lowthian
Daisys Guardian Polka Sheet MusicVintage dog sheet music entitled, Daisys Guardian. Featuring Polka by Edgar Mowbray. The Edwardian illustration depicts a young girl with a large mastiff type breed
International Dog Show at Islington 1865Illustration from the Illustrated London News (newspaper) Dated June 10
1910 Spratts Malt Milk advert1910 Crufts catalogue advert depicting a British Bulldog puppy nursing on Spratts Malt Milk formula