Tibetan Spaniels
small, sitting, flowers, outside, grass, brown, white, Tibet, spanielImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
Afghan Hound (afghan greyhound)A portrait of an Afghan Hound stood inside looking towards the camera
per CK, ok
golden retrieversA Golden Retriever sat outside in a garden with flowers
Spaniel-CockerA portrait of a Cocker Spaniel lying inside
Collie-RoughA portrait of a Shetland Sheepdog stood inside looking towards the camera
Spaniel~CockerA Cocker Spaniel lying amongst a field of pink flowers
Bernese Mountain DogA Bernese Mountain Dog with a puppy sat outside in long grass
PugNote - There is increased concern among dog welfare organisations, the veterinary profession
flowers, norwegian, outside, grass, brownImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
sitting, flowers, fluffy, white, spring, outside, whiteImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
puppy, small, cute, sitting, flowers, outside, brown, sniffingImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
Tibetan Spaniel Puppies
1993 Crufts Best in Show Winner, Irish Setter, SH CH STARCHELLE CHICAGO BEAR
DobermannA Dobermann lying inside looking towards the camera
Australian Cattle DogA Portrait of an Australian Cattle Dog inside
garden, flowers, daffodils, outside, shooting, retriever, grass, Farlap, 10646 Farlap 024 The Kennel Club©
flowers, field, black, hiding, house, Pretty, Yellow, Dandelion, David Dalton, 6731 David Dalton 100 The Kennel Club©
sitting, flowers, field, red, outside, grass, brown, David Dalton, 6726 David Dalton 047 The Kennel Club©
small, sitting, flowers, basket, terrier, house, Yorkshire, brown, black, bow, David Dalton, 6096 David Dalton 116 The Kennel Club©
Bichon FriseA Bichon frise outside looking towards the camera
outside, flowers, terrier, pose, profile, show, side on, David Dalton, 5048 David Dalton 048 The Kennel Club©
standing, flowers, profile, spring, outside, grass, brown, ridgebackImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
standing, profile, grass, outside, brown, black, flowers, Long grassImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
flowers, field, grass, summer, sunny, outsideImage by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
Maremma Sheepdog
Various breeds
Labrador Puppy