sitting, alert, looking, black, uk, fall, outside, shooting, retriever, grass, Farlap, 12161 Farlap 025 The Kennel Club©
resting, sunny, open mouth, tongue, spring, big, black, fluffy, landseer, outside, Farlap, 10231 Farlap 065 The Kennel Club©
gundog, outside, standing, garden, black, profile, retriever, show, bush, shooting, grass, Farlap, 4907 Farlap 022 The Kennel Club©
garden, lying, sitting, looking, home, house, autumn, leaves, alsatian, brown, black, pointy ears, fluffy, David Dalton, 6971 David Dalton 094 The Kennel Club©
outside, sitting, toy, black, spaniel, tan, small, black and tan, grass, leaves, sun
Image by represented photographer David Dalton. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
spotty, couple, pair, friends, two, black, dane, great, trees, forrest, black and white
Image by represented photographer Alice Van Kempen. Payment required for any use including the Kennel Club
sad, resting, black, lying, studio, white background, portrait, Close up, nose, Farlap, 10184 Farlap 044 The Kennel Club©